Apr 28, 2011

Snowtrip Chamonix-Aiguilli du Midi-Vallée Blanche-Mer de Glace 03. 2011 Fr

map Vallée Blanche
more details about this high mountain route click here:

 get to train Mont Blanc Express,
 detail paint of the train
 Me at Aiguilli du midi with backlground
left Mont-Blanc de Tacul4248m,
right Mont Blanc 4810m
panorama from A.Midi
left Piton Sud -center Dent du Géant
 A.du midi panorama 
Massive Mont Blanc 4810m
right corner the ridge of A.Midi
getting out to the ridge
out to the Glacier :)

me board the Vallée Blanche

Dent du Géant 4013mts perspective
me on Board!...surfing the snow..eheheh

me at
Salle a Manger

enjoying the view
me with background Salle a Manger
snack time to enjoy the panorama of the valley...
tracks leaving back-ground...
right Mountain/Glacier Dent du Géant -Salle a Manger

Ice Grotto Mer de Glace 1600m
 leaving the Mer de Glace
Montenvers 1913m
       center of chamonix

1 comment:

  1. Olá!

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    Para saber mais visite-nos em www.toguide.pt
    SPOT funciona onde os telemoveis falham!
