Jul 5, 2009

Hike trail n.42-Stalden-Trummel bach-Lauterbrunnen 2-07-2009 Ch

military letter in green the hike trail path
(we finish the 42 number trail and plus we continue from stalden to lauterbrunnen)
wengen in morning start the amazing trail
me looking to the deep forest
leaving back wengen
trail frames: Schiltwald 1310mts on the top the panorama
and stau bach
some hard passages....
we at the base jumpers place!
you firts to jump!!
imre talking with the gods at the mountains!!
magnifician views over the bernese oberland triology!!
leaving Preech 1410mts
the monk on the top!
me crossing the bridge trummel river/bach
with the very first water falls inside mountain rock
final downill
the final frames 6h30m of treeking